Compare Willem de Kooning's "Woman VI" and Edgar Degas' "The Glass of Absinthe". Use the critique method to compare the styles and style matter.
Every bit of help will be appreciated! I'm really bad at this stuff and I've been struggling with it for a while.
4 answers
What is "the critique method"?
I'm not really sure. I can't find it anywhere in my book.
What I'm finding online it says the steps are
1. Describe
2. Analyze
3. Interpret
4. Evaluate
1. Describe
2. Analyze
3. Interpret
4. Evaluate
OK, here are some ideas then.
Take two sheets of paper, one for each of the paintings. Focus just on one painting, and on one of the sheets of paper brainstorm for 1, 2, and 3 in the list. Then on the other sheet of paper, do the same for the other painting.
When you have "Describe" done for each of the two paintings, post them here. Be sure to indicate which painting's description is which.
Take two sheets of paper, one for each of the paintings. Focus just on one painting, and on one of the sheets of paper brainstorm for 1, 2, and 3 in the list. Then on the other sheet of paper, do the same for the other painting.
When you have "Describe" done for each of the two paintings, post them here. Be sure to indicate which painting's description is which.