Compare very large and very small numbers practice

1 answer

Sure! Let's compare two numbers: one very large and one very small.

Very Large Number: 100,000,000,000,000,000

Very Small Number: 0.000000000000000000001

When we compare these numbers, we can observe the following:

1. Magnitude: The very large number is 10^17 times greater than the very small number. In other words, it is 100 quadrillion times larger.

2. Decimal Placement: The very large number has 17 zeros after the numeral 1, indicating its magnitude. On the other hand, the very small number has 18 zeros after the decimal point, indicating its smallness.

3. Scientific Notation: To represent these numbers in scientific notation, the very large number can be written as 1 x 10^17, and the very small number can be written as 1 x 10^-18. This notation makes it easier to understand and compare the magnitude of these numbers.

Overall, these two numbers represent extreme ends of the numerical spectrum—one being extremely large and the other being extremely small.