Compare the population per square mile in Asia to the population per square mile
in North America for the year 2000
Asia is 17,400 (land area) and land area is 1000 mi squared population is 4,028,000,000
North America is 9,400 (land area) and land area is 1,000 mi squared population is 305,000,000
I did it like this:
4,028,000,000 over (17,400 * 100)mi squared = 4,028,000,000 divided by 17,400,000 miles=231.49 mi squared(Asia)
305,000,000 over (9,400 * 1000) mi squared= 305,000,000 divided by 9400000 mi squared =32.44 mi squared
To compare these two I'll assume you mean 17,400,000 square miles and 9,400,000 square miles. Now what we want to know is how many people per square mile live in the two. So divide 4,028,000,000 by 17,400,000 to get 231.49 people per square mile for Asia.
Versus 305,000,000 divided by 9,400,000 to get 32.44 people per square mile for the USA.