A. Star LAN Configuration:
- All devices on the network are connected to a central hub or switch
- Easy to add or remove devices without affecting the rest of the network
- Provides high-speed communication between devices
- Requires more cabling compared to other configurations
- Failure of the central hub or switch can bring down the entire network
B. Bus LAN Configuration:
- All devices are connected to a single network cable
- Simple to set up and cost-effective for small networks
- Susceptible to network congestion as all devices share the same cable
- Network performance can degrade as more devices are added
- Failure at one point in the network can disrupt the entire communication
C. Ring LAN Configuration:
- Devices are connected in a circular loop
- Data flows in one direction around the ring
- Each device has a repeater that regenerates the signal to keep it circulating
- Failure of one device or cable segment can disrupt the network
- Less susceptible to collisions compared to bus networks
Different LAN Protocols:
1. Ethernet: A widely used protocol for local area networks that uses a bus or star topology. It provides a standard way for devices to communicate over a network and operates at different speeds such as 10Mbps, 100Mbps, and 1Gbps.
2. Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11): A wireless LAN protocol that allows devices to connect to a network without the need for physical cabling. It provides flexibility and mobility for users but may have limitations in terms of signal range and potential interference.
3. Token Ring: A LAN protocol that uses a ring topology and a token-passing mechanism to control access to the network. It ensures only one device can transmit data at a time, reducing collisions and improving network performance. However, it is less commonly used compared to Ethernet.
Overall, the choice of LAN configuration and protocol depends on the specific requirements of the network, such as the number of devices, distance between devices, and desired performance levels. Each configuration and protocol has its advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to consider these factors when setting up a LAN.
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