Compare the Constitution of 1824 with the U.S. Constitution in terms of individual rights, religion, power of the president, and the right to possess firearms.

From what I have found, the Constitution of 1824 does not mention anything about the right to possess firearms. Can anyone provide information about the Constitution of 1824 and the U.S. Constitution talking about what it wants us to compare (individual rights, religion, power of the president, and the right to possess firearms)? I already have one thing down, "In the constitution of 1824 and the U.S. constitution, they both state that the president and vice president are elected for four years (longer if they get reelected)" I have also submitted another question that I need help with, just click on my name and it should be the second question
(below this one). Can anyone help me?

2 answers

In the Mexican constitution in 1824 it clearly states "Third, hold, at no time, a permanent troop nor vessels of war, without the consent of the general Congress.14"

I do believe this is the link to look at. Hope this helps