compare latin america's landmass and population to those of the united states. Based on that data, how might the overall population densities of the two compare?
7 answers
What numbers do you have for the landmasses and populations?
latin america: 7,941,950 sq. mi
usa: 3,165,630 sq. mi
Latin america: 517,385,900
latin america: 7,941,950 sq. mi
usa: 3,165,630 sq. mi
Latin america: 517,385,900
Where are you getting your data??
Its from my textbook so i have to go by this data.
517,385,900 / 7,941,950 = 65.15 people per square mile in Latin America
281,422,000 / 3,165,630 = 88.9 people per square mile in the U.S.
281,422,000 / 3,165,630 = 88.9 people per square mile in the U.S.
Latin America has a higher population overall, and per a sq. mile. They have a larger landmass and more than double the population of the U.S.
But Latin America only has about 65 people per square mile, while the U.S. has about 89 people per square mile. The U.S. is more densely populated than Latin America.