Compare and contrast the response of the

French people to the rule of Louis XVIII and the
rule of Charles X

10 answers

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@anon🤡 Bruh ur alr here stop bein hind hurt ash
anon you goofy asl
so nobody know the answer 😪😭?
bozo ahh
i got the answer!
if you got it how come you haven't posted it?
lol when your desperate you also in connections
The response of the people to the government of Louis XVIII and Charles X was opposition because they represented the absolutist monarchy that had been overthrown in 1789.

Who was Louis XVIII?
Louis XVIII of France (1755-1824) was the King of France and Navarre between 1814 and 1824, being the first monarch of the Bourbon restoration in France.

Before taking the place of king he had to go into exile outside of France because of the revolution against the monarchy and once he took power he could not exercise his government as an absolutist monarchy but as a constitutional monarchy so he did not concentrate all the power of the Condition.

Louis XVIII was the brother of Louis XVI and accesses the throne from exile once his nephew Louis XVII dies. From that moment he held the position of king until the year of his death in 1814, giving the throne to his brother Charles X.

Who was Charles X?
Charles X of France (1757 - 1836) was King of France and Navarre who held this position between 1824 and 1830, being the last Bourbon king of France and the last king to have a coronation ceremony.

During his reign, the tensions of the revolution had decreased, however, because he was part of the royal family, he always had opposition from the people, so his government did not have notable events.