Here are the best answers to each question:
Which statement best identifies a region where tsunamis are possible?
- Answer: Japan - Japan is located along the Pacific Ring of Fire, making it subject to tectonic activity and potential tsunamis.
Which regions tend to experience greater devastation from natural disasters?
- Answer: poor regions - Poor regions often lack the infrastructure and resources to effectively prepare for, respond to, and recover from natural disasters.
Which statement best describes how the Dust Bowl affected the human geography of the Great Plains in the 1930s?
- Answer: The Dust Bowl caused people to migrate from the Great Plains to other regions of the United States. - The severe drought and dust storms led many residents to leave in search of better living conditions.
Which term best describes an abnormal rise of ocean water inland, generated by a storm?
- Answer: storm surge - A storm surge is characterized by the rise of seawater level during a storm, leading to flooding in coastal areas.
Distinguish between the following forces and choose the force that would be most likely to connect two different regions where there are people changing residence locations.
- Answer: migration - Migration refers specifically to the movement of people from one place to another, connecting different regions through the relocation of residents.
Feel free to ask any further questions or request clarifications!