Compare and Contrast the development of the New England, Middle, Chesapeake, and Southern
Colonies. Discuss the economic, religious, and social development of each from first settlement
by the British to 1750.
5 answers
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I am completely clueless on where to start. Its for a study guide to help us prepare for a test.
Hmm -- What's wrong with this picture??
clueless? study guide? test?
It looks like the place to start is to carefully read your chapter(s). Believe it or not, the answers to your review will just pop up -- if you're paying attention.
clueless? study guide? test?
It looks like the place to start is to carefully read your chapter(s). Believe it or not, the answers to your review will just pop up -- if you're paying attention.
We actually do not have a book. It comes from in class lectures that we take notes on. however, missing one note that you might not write down throws you off alot.
If you're missing some notes, I suggest you call or text classmates who may have those notes.