compare and contrast the characterizations of the wanderer and beowulf? i need to know about the characters not the poems..

i been this question for like weeks so and help would be great!! Thank You!!

2 answers

Have you read both works?

Characterization is simply the ways in which each author (whether we know who the author is or not) developed each character.

direct description?
through actions?
through words?
through thoughts?
or what?

One way to do this is to work backwards. Make a list for each character of his character traits. (Go here to see a character analysis of Beowulf, for example -- )

Once you have a list of character traits, think back into the story (and reread parts if you need to) and note where (line numbers) you became aware of each trait. There may be several lines or passages where you learned, for example, that Beowulf was physically strong. Note all the lines and passages that tell you that.

Once you have done this, you should be able to look over your list and notes and see how B's entire character was revealed to the readers/audience. Was it mostly through direct description? Was it mostly through his actions and very little through direct description? Or what?

Do the same for the main character in "The Wanderer" --,17315,23628,23670,23756,23945,24692,24878,24879,25646,26637,26657,26761,26849,26869,27126,27189,27400,27404,27405,27510,27520&sugexp=ldymls&xhr=t&q=characterization+%22the+wanderer%22&cp=17&qe=Y2hhcmFjdGVyaXphdGlvbiAidGhlIHdhbmRlcmVyIg&qesig=shcgKbylhK2dlMmoQ1r7gg&pkc=AFgZ2tlhwrZ5UH_IB1xY9f7csU2FTVUHBobP74mYhHkb6uPYedeQuA-pGVWgiOGgVFrpupQV48xT-UmUag4MlcjDjROhEC8RLQ&pf=p&sclient=psy&source=hp&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=characterization+%22the+wanderer%22&gs_rfai=&pbx=1&fp=fbb9e82777227709

Let us know what you come up with.
Whit, I am in the same subject you are in. Would you please give me your email address and we can help each other. I need help also.