Selective breeding involves breeding organisms with desirable traits to produce offspring with those traits, while genetic modification involves directly altering the genes of an organism. One advantage of selective breeding is that it has been used for thousands of years and is a natural process. On the other hand, genetic modification allows for more precise control over the genes being altered.
A person might choose selective breeding over genetic modification if they want to maintain genetic diversity within a population and are looking to improve traits over generations. In contrast, someone might choose to create a GMO if they are looking for a specific trait to be added to an organism quickly and efficiently, without the need for generations of breeding. Ultimately, the choice between selective breeding and genetic modification depends on the specific goals and constraints of the project.
Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of selective breeding versus genetic modification. Why might a person choose to use selective breeding over genetic modification? Why might a person choose to create a GMO over a selectively bred organism? Use three to five sentences to formulate your argument.
5 answers
shorten that please
Selective breeding uses natural processes to improve traits over generations, maintaining genetic diversity. In contrast, genetic modification offers precise control over genes and allows for quick and specific trait additions. The choice between the two methods depends on the project's goals and constraints.
can you write it like a middle schooler would write it but with still decent grammar
Selective breeding is like letting animals and plants naturally have babies with good traits for many generations. Genetic modification is when scientists change the genes of an organism directly. People might choose selective breeding if they want to keep a diverse population and slowly make improvements. But they might pick genetic modification if they want to quickly add a specific trait without waiting for many generations. It all depends on what the project needs.