Selective breeding involves the controlled breeding of organisms with desired traits, while genetic modification refers to the direct manipulation of an organism's genetic material. One advantage of selective breeding is that it relies on natural genetic diversity, which decreases the risk of unforeseen consequences. Furthermore, it can be a cost-effective method as it does not require advanced technology. However, selective breeding is a slower process and may lead to unintended negative traits being passed on. On the other hand, genetic modification allows for precise alterations to an organism's genetic material, enabling desired traits to be introduced quickly. Nonetheless, GMOs may face public resistance due to concerns about their safety and potential environmental impact.
A person might choose selective breeding over genetic modification if they prioritize natural genetic diversity and wish to avoid potential risks associated with manipulating an organism's genes directly. They may also prefer the traditional and established method of selective breeding because of its long history of successful outcomes. In contrast, a person might choose to create a GMO if they require immediate and precise alteration of an organism's traits, making genetic modification a faster and more efficient option compared to selective breeding. Additionally, if they believe in the potential benefits of genetic engineering, such as increased crop yields or disease resistance, they may opt for GMO creation.
Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of selective breeding versus genetic modification. Why might a person choose to use selective breeding over genetic modification? Why might a person choose to create a GMO over a selectively bred organism? Use three to five sentences to formulate your argument. (4 points)
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