Compare and contrast how the environment shaped the cultures of the Caddo and Jumano differently the the cultures of the Coahuiltecan and Apache. ( Consider social organization, food and how it was obtained, and way of life.)
10 answers
No one here will write your assignment for you. However, if you post what you write (no rough drafts, please), someone may be able to critique your thinking and writing for you.
I actually came on here looking for the same question, but here's what I answered:
The Caddo and Jumano typically hunted for their food, as they did not live in a climate suitable for agriculture.
The Coahuiltecan and Apache on the other hand, preferred to grow crops instead of hunting for animals, as they lived in appropriate agriculture climates.
The Caddo and Jumano typically hunted for their food, as they did not live in a climate suitable for agriculture.
The Coahuiltecan and Apache on the other hand, preferred to grow crops instead of hunting for animals, as they lived in appropriate agriculture climates.
You can use my answer for reference if you want, just don't directly copy and paste it into Connexus, alter it a bit as plagiarism is not tolerated on Connections Academy
Thx Hunter! but just a tip: try not using your name for if teachers come on this website to check for cheating they will see your name and give automatic zero for the test.
Wait hunter did you get it right?
Just a tip, if you use this answer you will be disciplined for plagiarism. All Texas History teachers have this link and know this answer. Use your study guide, call your teacher or watch the LL review for the answer. QUIT CHEATING!
No, it is not right.
yeah mrs cade is right
alr thxs broski
The Caddo and Jumano hunted for their food, because they did not live in a climate suitable for agriculture. They mistreated women and were mighty warriors.
The Coahuiltecan and Apache on the other hand, preferred to grow crops instead of hunting for animals, as they lived in appropriate agriculture climates. They had a strong government and were peaceful.
The Coahuiltecan and Apache on the other hand, preferred to grow crops instead of hunting for animals, as they lived in appropriate agriculture climates. They had a strong government and were peaceful.