Community physician's clinic is buying the medical center physician's clinic. they will be adding 24 physicians who treat 62,400 patients per year. There are no credentialed coders employed at medicla center physician's clinic.The coding supervisor at community physician's clinic will be expected to code 100 clinical records per day. How many more full time employees (FETs) will be needed to code these records?

4 answers

62,400/(100*#workdays in a year) = ?
Dear PsyDAG,

Thanks you for your help, I suppose the answer to be 2.4 FETS? Also what did you use as the #workdays in a year?
See your previous post.
Dear PsyDAG,
I have searched through and can not find the previous post you talked about. However, is the answer correct at 2.4 FETs, and what will the #workdays in a year?