Comel Pet Store is a large pet store located in Kota Bharu. Although the store specializes in cats, it also sells fish, turtle, and bird supplies. Smart Cat, a food for cats, cost Comel Pet RM7 each. There is an annual demand for 6,000 Smart Cat. The manager, Yah Kuchai, has determined that the ordering cost is RM20 per order and the carrying cost, as a percentage of unit cost, is 15%. Comel Pet is now considering a new supplier of Smart Cat. Each pack would cost only RM6.65, but, in order to get this discount, Comel Pet would have to buy shipments of 3,000 at a time. Should Comel Pet use the new supplier and take this discount for quantity buying?
1 answer
please help me, I not really understand how to solve this question.