Combine each group of sentences into a single cohesive sentence?

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Socrates looks around the room. The room is full of men who are silent with thought. He poses the question of whether or not it is in anyone's best interests to be just.

The definition of virtue in Plato's Republic can be confusing to readers. It equates virtue with rationality, wisdom, justice, moderation, and courage.

There is a requirement for students studying Plato's Republic to read patiently and slowly. If students are to understand it at all, they must think deeply about what they read.

Plato was born around 428 B.C. His family was part of the Roman aristocracy. Many of his family members were active in politics. But Plato consciously resisted ever becoming a statesman himself.


Socrates looks around the room, full of men silent with thought, he poses the question of whether or no it is in anyone's best interests to be just.

The definition of virtue in Plato's Replublic, which can be confusing to readers, equated virtue with rationality, justice, moderation and courage.

Students studying Plato's Republic are required to read patiently and slowly and, upon understanding it all, must think deeply about what they read.

Plato was born in 428BC to a family of Roman aristocracy, many members who were active in politics, yet Plato consciously resisted ever becoming a statesman himself.

1 answer

Your first sentence is a runon sentence.

The next two are correct.

This is better for the last sentence.

Plato was born around 428BC to a family of Roman aristocracy, many of whom were active in politics, but Plato consciously resisted ever becoming a statesman himself.