Here’s the matching of the items in Column A to the corresponding terms in Column B:
Earth's uppermost mantle that overlaps with the crust; these are also the tectonic plates!
- Lithosphere
The softer upper layer of the mantle, where convection takes place. Tectonic plates "float" on this layer
- Asthenosphere
All the rest of the mantle made of hard hot rock - till it reaches the core.
- Mesosphere
Planets formed by ____________ because particles in space stuck together
- Accretion
Molten Material found under the crust is called____
- Magma
Rocks get weathered and form tiny particles called___________
- Sediment
The moving of these large slabs of rock under the crust result in earthquakes and volcanoes! Hint: found in the lithosphere
- Tectonic plates
In Sedimentary rock formation, when particles are pressed together with gravity and pressure
- Compaction
In Sedimentary rock formation, when particles are "glued" together (Hint; look at the root of the word...)
- Cementation
When the heat of magma churns around in the asthenosphere, it makes these:
- Thermal Convection currents
Pure naturally-made solids, composed of one element or one compound. They make up rocks:_________
- Minerals
Mineral test: ability to scratch another mineral
- Hardness
Mineral test: rub it against tile to see the minerals' powder color
- Streak
Mineral test: when a mineral breaks off in flat
- Cleavage
Mineral test: when a mineral breaks on odd, irregular or unpredictable patterns
- Fracture
Mineral test: the way light reflects off it. Described as glassy, metallic, or dull
- Luster
Age of rock determined by comparing to the newer (upper) and older (lower) layers of rock around it
- Relative dating
Exact Age of rock determined by studying its radioactive half life
- Absolute dating
Each item from Column A has been paired with the correct term from Column B. Feel free to ask if you need further clarification!