Some possible explanations for Cody's credit report listing two different addresses in Lakeville, Connecticut could be:
1. One of his home address and his work address: Cody might have provided two separate addresses to the credit reporting agencies - one as his official residential address and the other as his work address. This is especially common if Cody's workplace offers flexible work arrangements or if he frequently moves between locations.
2. Someone else with the same name lives at the second address: It is possible that another person with the same name as Cody lives at the second address in Lakeville, Connecticut. This can sometimes lead to a mix-up in credit reports if the credit reporting agencies mistakenly associate the two individuals.
3. Cody's family owns more than one property: If Cody's family owns multiple properties in Lakeville, Connecticut, it is reasonable to have multiple addresses listed on his credit report. This could happen if Cody or his family members own a primary residence and also own additional properties such as vacation homes or rental properties.
4. His family moved while he was growing up: If Cody's family moved between different addresses within Lakeville, Connecticut while he was growing up, it is possible that both the old and new addresses are listed on his credit report. This can occur if Cody shared joint accounts with his family members or if records from his childhood homes are still associated with his credit history.
Cody’s credit report list two different addresses in Lakeville Connecticut. What might be an explanation for that?
One of his home address and his work address
Someone else with the same name lives at the second address
Cody’s family owns more than one property.
His family moved while he was growing up.
1 answer