There could be several explanations for Cody's credit report listing two different addresses in Lakeville, Connecticut:
1. Cody's family owns more than one property: It is possible that Cody's family owns multiple properties in Lakeville, and one of the addresses listed on his credit report could be their second property. This could be a vacation home or investment property.
2. Home and work address: Another possibility is that Cody's credit report lists his home address as one of the Lakeville addresses, while the second address could be his work address. If he has multiple residences due to work requirements, it could explain the two addresses being listed.
3. Family's relocation during Cody's upbringing: If Cody's family relocated within Lakeville while he was growing up, it could result in the credit report listing two different addresses. For instance, if his family moved from one neighborhood to another or from one street to another within the same town, both addresses might still be associated with Cody's credit report.
4. Another individual with the same name: It is also possible that someone else with the same name as Cody lives at the second address listed on his credit report. This could happen due to an error or mix-up in the credit reporting system, where the system mistakenly associates the other person's address with Cody's name.
To determine the accurate reason for the two addresses, Cody should review his credit report in detail and contact the credit reporting agency to resolve any inconsistencies or errors.
Cody’s credit report list two different addresses in Lakeville Connecticut. What might be the explanation for that? Cody’s family owns more than one property. One is his home address and what is his work address. His family moved while he was growing up. Someone else with the same name lives at the second address.
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