Close Call

J. Fendley

When the bell rang to announce that school was over, it seemed louder than ever. Perhaps this was because Jonathon was dreading his walk home from school. He had been looking out the window of his classroom for the last hour, watching the rain pour down and the fierce lightning slamming against the ground. The thunder was so loud that it would make the whole class jump at their desk with each bang.

Jonathon had to walk a full mile to get home from school. His mother asked him to take his umbrella to school this morning, and Jonathon did not think he would need it. He ignored her and kept playing a video game.

He stayed at his desk while everyone exited the classroom. He hoped his teacher, Mr. Daniels, wouldn't notice him there and let him wait while the storm passed.

"Jonathon, let's go. I have to lock up my classroom." Mr. Daniels said.

Jonathon grabbed his backpack and slowly walked toward the school exit. Once he reached the door, he took a deep breath and pushed it open. Immediately, the wind knocked him back a bit as rain drenched his clothes. Just then, he heard the honking of a horn.

His mother was yelling from the driver seat of their car, "Jonathon, over here! Hurry!"

He had never felt so happy to see his mother. He ran to the car as fast as he could, not even caring how wet he got.
The picture helps the reader understand—
A how Jonathon feels as he is sitting in the Jonathon feels as he is sitting in the classroom.
B how far from the school Jonathon far from the school Jonathon lives.
C the things Jonathon forgets to take to school.the things Jonathon forgets to take to school.
D how strong the wind is on his way strong the wind is on his way home.
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1 answer

The picture helps the reader understand—

A. how Jonathon feels as he is sitting in the classroom.

This choice is the most fitting because the situation described sets up Jonathon's emotional state, which is one of dread and anxiety about walking home in the storm. His feelings are central to the narrative, especially as he wishes to avoid the rain and doesn't want to leave the safety of the classroom.