In the myth of Pandora's Box, Zeus displays character traits that are similar to those of humans. Firstly, Zeus is portrayed as having a sense of curiosity and a desire for power, which are both common traits amongst humans. In the story, Zeus ordered Hephaestus to create a beautiful woman named Pandora and gifted her to Epimetheus as a bride. This act shows Zeus' curiosity as he was intrigued to see what impact Pandora would have on humanity. Similarly, humans often have a natural curiosity and desire to explore the unknown. Additionally, Zeus' desire for power is evident when he gives Pandora a box and tells her never to open it. He wanted to exercise control over humanity by testing their obedience. This thirst for power is a trait often seen in humans, as they strive to gain control and authority over others.
Furthermore, Zeus also demonstrates emotions and flaws, just like humans. When Pandora finally succumbs to her curiosity and opens the box, releasing all the evils onto the world, Zeus feels anger and disappointment. This emotional response showcases Zeus' human-like capacity for experiencing intense emotions. Similarly, humans often feel anger and disappointment when their plans or expectations are not met. Additionally, Zeus' decision to punish humanity for Pandora's actions, rather than accepting responsibility himself, demonstrates a flaw common in humans - the tendency to place blame on others rather than accept their own mistakes. This aspect of Zeus' character highlights how he, like humans, can sometimes make unjust decisions and fail to take responsibility for his actions.
Overall, Zeus in the myth of Pandora's Box displays various character traits that are similar to those of humans, including curiosity, a desire for power, emotions, and flaws.
Click on the blue link to read the myth of Pandora's Box then answer the questions below the prompt using specific examples from the story as support. Your answer should be TWO paragraphs long and should be written in paragraph form using the TEA (Topic, Evidence, Analysis) method.
1. In Greek mythology, the gods often display character traits that are very human. Choose ONE of the main male characters from the story (Zeus, Epimetheus, OR Prometheus) and describe how hiis character traits are similar to those of humans.
1 answer