Clean up the following sentences by identifying and correcting misspellings and misused/incorrect words.


1. Perforation of the tympantic membrane was beleived to be the cause of the patient's vertigoe and myringitis.


1. Perforation of the tympanic membrane 'was or is' believed to be the cause of the patient's vertigo and myringitis.

*medical corrections tympanic, vertigo ,+ myringitis also believed corrected spelling -
concerned about the use of:
was beleived or
is believed

Thank You

3 answers

Watch the spelling of "believed" -- remember "i before e, except..."

I would use "is believed" if I were writing about something that is current. If you are writing about something that is decidedly in the past, though, then use the past tense.
Perforation of the tympantic membrane was beleived to be the cause of the patient's vertigoe and myringitis.
The T-2 weighted sagital image revealed foraminel compromise and C4-C5 disk herniation.