class has compiled this list of examples of artificial selection. • The development by dog breeders of a variety of poodles that have

different coats that do not require brushing • The crossbreeding of cows that have provided meat and milk for
humans for many centuries • The breeding of domestic turkeys that have large amounts of breast
meat and a reduced wing size that makes them unable to fly • The creation of varieties of apples that remain crisp throughout the
winter but have less flavor • The development of roses that will wilt quickly and have long stems,
no thorns, and no strong scent Which three statements describe the common characteristics of all of
the examples of artificial selection? a
Artificial selection always requires a detailed knowledge of the genetic makeup of a species and a familiarity with the mathematics ofinherited traits.
Artificial selection infers that a species experiences natural genetic mutation rather than reproduction planne
Artificial selection involves enhancing the natural characteristics of a species through planning and coordination of its breeding.
Artificial selection has been practiced in many forms for centuries to improve crops and livestock.
Artificial selection may have unintended consequences that can reduce the benefits of a species to humans or limit its function

1 answer

c. Artificial selection involves enhancing the natural characteristics of a species through planning and coordination of its breeding.
d. Artificial selection has been practiced in many forms for centuries to improve crops and livestock.
e. Artificial selection may have unintended consequences that can reduce the benefits of a species to humans or limit its function.