To cite the text you provided in APA format, you would follow this structure:
Author. (Year). Title of the work. Source/Publisher (if applicable).
Since the text does not have a specific author or publication year indicated, you might format it like this, assuming it is part of a collection or an article:
Unknown Author. (n.d.). The courageous legacy of Margaret Corbin: An unsung hero of the Revolutionary War.
If you need to add more specific publication details, or if you can create an author or a publication date based on your source, you should modify it accordingly.
For MLA format, it could look like this:
" The Courageous Legacy of Margaret Corbin: An Unsung Hero of the Revolutionary War." Title of the Publication or Collection, n.d.
Again, adjust as needed based on your source details. If you are citing it as a webpage, book, or article, provide the relevant information.