Cite any five elements or organisation structure for traditional education in which learning was disceminated in the Zambian context

1 answer

1. Ministry of Education: The government has a centralized structure for education, with the Ministry of Education responsible for formulating and implementing policies, curriculum development, and overall administration of the education system.

2. Schools: Schools are the primary units of education in the Zambian context. They are responsible for delivering education to students and adhering to the national curriculum set by the Ministry of Education.

3. Teachers: Teachers play a crucial role in the dissemination of education in Zambia. They are responsible for delivering lessons, assessing student progress, and providing guidance and support to students.

4. Examination Boards: Zambia has national examination boards responsible for setting and assessing standardized examinations at different educational levels. These exams determine student progress, promotion, and qualification for further education.

5. Zambia Qualifications Authority (ZAQA): ZAQA is a statutory body responsible for the accreditation, quality assurance, and certification of qualifications in Zambia. It ensures that educational institutions and programs meet specific standards and provide recognized qualifications.