Choose which transitional words (linking words) best complete the following excerpt. You can access a list of transitional words and their functions here.

“San” as referent, in (i)____ its origin and meanings, is intricately bound up in the collective ethnonym Khoisan. (ii) _______, all indications are that “San” is a xenonym that the Dutch learnt from the Khoikhoi. To understand the term “San” fully, one needs to be clear on the usages and meanings of the word in the Khoekhoegowab linguistic and cultural context. In the Khoe language, the word “khoi” means men/people. When the Dutch enquired about self-referents used by the pastoralists they encountered in the 17th century, the term they were given by the indigenous people was Khoikhoi, meaning “people of people.” In many southern African linguistic contexts, duplication has the effect of emphasising that something is genuine or real. (iii) ______, it can here be read to indicate “real people” (Nienaber 1990).

[Ellis, W.F. 2015. “Ons is Boesmans: commentary on the naming of Bushmen in the southern Kalahari.” Anthropology Southern Africa 38(1&2): 120-133.]

(i) other words (ii) in addition (iii) similarly

(i) both (ii) in fact (iii) therefore

(i) terms of (ii) as a result (iii) thus

1 answer

(i) terms of (ii) as a result (iii) thus