Choose two poems from either one of the collections you read during this unit. In an essay. compare how the speakers of the poems might answer the question: What makes you happy? Use details from the poems to support your response. Use the reading selections to help you answer the question.

I chose the poems 'Haiku' and 'Concrete Cat'

I really need help like an example for this please

13 answers

provide the poems please
yes haiku is
An old silent pond...
A frog jumps into the pond,
splash! Silence again.

and for concrete cat you will have to look it up in like google images it will look like a cat made out of words
okay thats fine
Kyle is on time-out for his crude language.
Would you be willing to help with my dilemma?
Your instructions:
"In an essay. compare how the speakers of the poems might answer the question: What makes you happy?"

compare = how are they similar (not different)?
Think about each author. How do they seem to you, now that you have read and (I hope) understood something about each poet after reading their works?
Okay but what do they mean by, what makes you happy?
From the content of each poem, what do you think makes the poet happy?
thanks, Writeacher this actually really helped me
h t t p s: / / s - m e d I a - c a c h e a k 0 . p i n i m g . c o m / o r i g i n a l s / 6 7 /3 0 / 4 f / 6 7 3 0 4 f 2 a 7 c 8 e a 3 8 d 8 5 1 9 a 5 3 5 3 1 d d 4 c e d . j p g

This is the link for the poem "Concrete Cat"
Just remove the spaces
EDIT: the I in media is lowercase no uppercase!
EDIT: *not
no xD
In Haiku it seems that nature and animals like frogs make the speaker happy. It brings to mind the setting of the pond being silent and calm. Then the frog jumps into the pond breaking the silence with the splash of water. But then the silence and calm returns to the pond.
In concrete cat it seems that the speaker loves cats and that is what makes him happy. He describes all of the features of the cat even the items like its litter box, food bowl and the mouse it plays with. It shows how much the cat makes him happy.