Choose two non-European civilizations that you studied, that developed roughly between 500 and 1500. . Create a timeline of significant developments and events for both civilizations. Then answer questions about each of the civilizations in the worksheet. Use the timeline and the worksheet to write a summary of the civilizations. If your civilizations had contact, your summary should tell how they influenced each other. Influences could include innovations, advancements, achievements, ideas, or cultural practices. If your civilizations did not have contact, your summary should tell how the civilizations were similar and different. Specific Directions Step 1: Construct a Timeline Use the Three-Column Chart to organize events from each civilization into a timeline. Put your name at the top of the chart. Refer to your textbook. Complete the timeline by filling in the time period in the left-hand column. Your timeframes may be general or specific, depending on information available. Put the names of the civilizations you selected in the second and third columns. You should list at least four events for each civilization. See the table below for an example. The events in your timeline should focus on the advancements, innovations, ideas, practices, or achievements of each civilization. These events may include the following: the development or spread of the civilization or ideas and practices from the civilization religious ideas or cultural practices scientific or technological inventions or advancements agricultural or economic developments Events on your timeline do not need to be in complete sentences.
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