Choose the selection you liked best. Provide reasons why you liked this selection, then offer evidence from the text to support your reasons.

At 8:15 in the morning . . .
Sad eyes watch
Eileen drive away–
Irma mourns.
Slumped against the gate,
the old dog foghorns
her sorrow
to the neighborhood.

Irma’s desolate moans
tell us what she thinks:
I'm abandoned, alone.
White-muzzled Irma howls
and howls her discontent:
My Eileen is gone, gone . . .
My friend on the phone
can hear Irma cry.
I explain what’s wrong.

At 8:30 in the morning . . .
Wait–Irma hears a car.
Her howling stops.
The old dog wriggles with joy.
I was not abandoned.
I am not alone.
My Eileen has come home!

Two to three simple sentences

1 answer

I particularly liked this selection because it evokes a strong emotional response through the bond between Irma and Eileen. The poem beautifully illustrates themes of love, loneliness, and joy through the simple yet poignant imagery of an old dog mourning and then celebrating the return of her owner. The contrasting moments of despair and delight highlight the depth of Irma's feelings. For example, Irma's desolation is captured in lines like "Slumped against the gate," whereas her joy is vividly expressed when she realizes Eileen is back, stating, "I am not alone." This powerful shift in emotions resonates deeply with the reader.