Choose the letter of the word pair that has a relationship SIMILAR to that of the first word pair.
1. Circumnavigate : Ireland ::
A. live:die
B, surround:river
C. orbit:Earth
D. Mount Everst:climb
2. Shrimper:Net
A. reins:horse
B. barber:shaves
C. umpire:bat
D. painter:brush
3. Cirrulatiion:Rotation
A. guess:carnival
B. beam:ray
C. trace:warmth
D. chewing:teeth
4. armada:war
A. train:travel
B. cup:handle
C. time:minutes
D. stitch:buttons
5. Maroon:Strabd
A. transport:haul
B. arrive:leave
C. speak:listen
D. spend:save
1. C
2. D
3. B
4. A
5. A
1 answer
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