Choose the job description that matches its newsroom role.(2 points)
News Editor
Features Editor
Sports Editor
Op-Ed Editor
Copy Editor
Photo Editor
Graphics Editor
Advertising Editor
Circulation Editor
:: Looks for stories that would lend themselves to great photos. Discusses the photographer's assignments to make sure they clearly understand the angle of the story.
:: Participates in the development of marketing plans; oversees a staff that sells display advertising space; supervises the production of advertising layouts and copy.
:: Works closely with reporters who cover the community; gives out assignments and deadlines and helps reporters craft stories.
:: Responsible for the creation of the newspaper's sports section; recruits and trains reporters; determines their assignments and beats.
:: The editor in charge of all editorial activities of a newspaper.
:: An expert in spelling, grammar, punctuation, word usage and style who gives writing its final review before production.
:: In charges of the sales, delivery and collection of payments for newspapers within a geographical territory.
:: Plans, assigns and edits coverage of human-interest and entertainment stories.
:: Supervises the development, reporting and writing of pieces that express an opinion; suggests, solicits and encourages contributions from readers.
:: Developing, reporting and writing graphics that present news without a story.
1 answer
News Editor: Works closely with reporters who cover the community; gives out assignments and deadlines and helps reporters craft stories.
Features Editor: Plans, assigns and edits coverage of human-interest and entertainment stories.
Sports Editor: Responsible for the creation of the newspaper's sports section; recruits and trains reporters; determines their assignments and beats.
Op-Ed Editor: Supervises the development, reporting and writing of pieces that express an opinion; suggests, solicits and encourages contributions from readers.
Copy Editor: An expert in spelling, grammar, punctuation, word usage and style who gives writing its final review before production.
Circulation Editor: In charge of the sales, delivery and collection of payments for newspapers within a geographical territory.
Photo Editor: Looks for stories that would lend themselves to great photos. Discusses the photographer's assignments to make sure they clearly understand the angle of the story.
Advertising Editor: Participates in the development of marketing plans; oversees a staff that sells display advertising space; supervises the production of advertising layouts and copy.
Graphics Editor: Developing, reporting and writing graphics that present news without a story.