Please bookmark and study this webpage that lists and explains conjunctions used in English, primarily coordinating conjunctions and subordinating conjunctions:
Some things to remember:
~ If one sentence tells the cause of the other, then use "because."
~ If one sentence is a contrast for the other, then use "but."
~ If the two sentences are giving two ideas that are equal (not the cause or a contrast between them), then use "and."
... see what conditions you can tell for each of the other conjunctions. These conditions will help you choose correctly.
1) Because is correct. The new sentence would be The children went home because it was dark. The second sentence is the cause of the first.
2) Could be "because" or "when" The boys were allowed to read books when the teacher was absent. or ... because the teacher was absent.
3) Because is correct: Mother told us not to eat because it was very hot.
4) I am guessing here since your original doesn't make sense! Again, "because" is correct: He could not speak because had a sore throat.
5) "When" is already in this one! When we went to Egypt, he wanted to see the pyramids.
6) but = correct
7) So = ??? There's another conjunction that would work better here.
8) But = correct
9) If = correct
10) While = correct
Choose the following words to combine these sentence.
words: after and till because as but for if when since so though unless until while or
1) The children went home. It was getting dark.
2) The boys were allowed to read books. The teacher was absent.
3) Mother told us not to eat. It was very hot.
4) Cold not speak. He had a sore throat.
5) When we went to Egypt. He wanted to see the pyramids.
6) She loves dogs. He is allergic to them.
7) It rains. These streets become waterlogged.
8) It was very hot. He was wearing a woollen shirt.
9) Drink a glass of water. You are thirsty.
10) He sang. He worked.
Please help me to correct these answers.
1) Because
2) For
3) As
4) Till
5) when
6) but
7) So
8) But
9) If
10) While
2 answers