Choose the event from Front Desk that provides evidence to support the theme, Follow your dreams no matter how unattainable
they may seem (1 point)
O Jason gives Mia back the other half of her sparkly pencil
O Mr. Yao tries to catch the Yangs hiding immigrants in the hotel.
O Mia organizes and helps raise the funds to buy the motel
O Hank gets fired from his job for trying to help Mia's family.
8 answers
Should i tell you or not tell you? Bc i know what the answer is.🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
yeah no i wouldn't tell you bc ye need to read 📖 the book. unless you don't have it
hey front desk support you were in another question and your name was Paul and I'm pretty sure you don't have the answer so stop going on this site if you cant tell us but i will tell you
the message about life that the author wants the reader to learn
a universal statement that can be applied to other areas or people
It may not always be easy to do what is right, but it is worth it.
Mia organizes and helps raise the funds to buy the motel.
a universal statement that can be applied to other areas or people
It may not always be easy to do what is right, but it is worth it.
Mia organizes and helps raise the funds to buy the motel.
My mane itsn't paul so you got the guy but nice try
plus i read the book and will tell you if you want also i have been on two sites but it was math and not front desk and ----- you because your just plane mean.
well got the rong guy but mybe you did get the right guy
Jesus you went on for quite the time, all I said was I'm pretty sure your paul.
I'm very confused on this mans grammar aswell
I'm very confused on this mans grammar aswell