Choose one of the following questions to respond to. Your response should be in 3 complete sentences and answer all parts of your chosen question. Be sure to check for spelling and grammar (including punctuation and capitalization). Number your response so that I know which question you chose to respond to.

1. Cherry explains that part of what keeps the two groups apart is that the Greasers are overly emotional and the Socs are too emotionally cool/numb. Of the two extremes, which one do you think is better? Explain your answer.

2. Why would Cherry be attracted to Dally? Do your best to explain the complicated, conflicting emotions that Cherry is feeling.

3. Why does Johnny like it better when his father is hitting him than when he ignores him?

1 answer

2. Cherry is attracted to Dally because he represents a form of danger and excitement that contrasts with her own Soc lifestyle, which often feels stifling and superficial. However, this attraction is complicated by her underlying awareness of Dally's reckless behavior and her desire for a deeper emotional connection that he may not be able to provide. As a result, Cherry experiences conflicting emotions; she is drawn to Dally's intensity but also fears the consequences of being involved with someone who embodies the chaotic and violent world of the Greasers.