Choose one of the following essay prompts.

I. In Act IV, Scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet, Juliet cries, "O, bid me leap, rather than marry Paris ... And I will do it without fear or doubt."Both Romeo and Juliet seek out
Friar Lawrence for counsel during their difficulties. How does he affect their decisions, and eventually, the outcome of the play? Write an essay analyzing the cause-and-effect relationship between the two lovers and Friar Lawrence. You may want to address why Friar Lawrence marries the two in the first place, and the results of his advice throughout the story. The introduction of your essay should include an attention-getter and thesis statement. The body of your essay should explore how and why Friar Lawrence orchestrates many of the developments in the plot. Close your essay with an overall conclusion, including a restatement of the thesis. Il. By the end of Romeo and Juliet, Paris and Romeo, both of whom loved Juliet, are dead.
The two characters, however, are very different. Write an essay comparing and contrasting the two men. The introduction of your essay should include an attention-getter and thesis statement. The body of your essay should provide examples of similarities and differences regarding their attitudes toward love, traditions, and fidelity, as well as their actions. Close your essay with an overall conclusion, including a restatement of the thesis.

1 answer

I. In Act IV, Scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet, Juliet cries, "O, bid me leap, rather than marry Paris ... And I will do it without fear or doubt."Both Romeo and Juliet seek out Friar Lawrence for counsel during their difficulties. How does he affect their decisions, and eventually, the outcome of the play? Write an essay analyzing the cause-and-effect relationship between the two lovers and Friar Lawrence.

Friar Lawrence plays a crucial role in the tragic tale of Romeo and Juliet, acting as both a mentor and an enabler for the young lovers. In the initial stages of the play, Friar Lawrence agrees to marry Romeo and Juliet in secret, hoping that their union may bring an end to the feud between their families. This decision sets off a chain of events that ultimately leads to the tragic demise of the two lovers.

Throughout the story, Friar Lawrence offers advice and assistance to Romeo and Juliet, often acting as a voice of reason in their moments of turmoil. However, his actions, while well-intentioned, often have unintended consequences. For example, Friar Lawrence comes up with the plan for Juliet to fake her death in order to avoid marrying Paris. This plan ultimately leads to a series of misunderstandings that result in the deaths of both Romeo and Juliet.

Furthermore, Friar Lawrence's inability to effectively communicate and coordinate his plans with the young lovers also contributes to the tragic outcome of the play. His decision to entrust a crucial letter to Friar John instead of delivering it personally to Romeo leads to the misunderstanding that ultimately results in Romeo believing Juliet to be dead and taking his own life.

In conclusion, the character of Friar Lawrence serves as a catalyst for many of the developments in the plot of Romeo and Juliet. While his intentions are noble, his actions ultimately lead to the tragic deaths of both Romeo and Juliet. Through his counsel and guidance, Friar Lawrence inadvertently sets in motion a series of events that culminate in the ultimate tragedy of the play.

II. By the end of Romeo and Juliet, Paris and Romeo, both of whom loved Juliet, are dead. The two characters, however, are very different. Write an essay comparing and contrasting the two men.

Paris and Romeo are two characters in Romeo and Juliet who have both loved Juliet, yet they differ greatly in their attitudes toward love, traditions, and fidelity, as well as their actions throughout the play.

In terms of their attitudes toward love, Paris represents a more traditional view of love, seeing it as an obligation and duty. He is willing to marry Juliet for the sake of his family's honor and reputation, despite not truly knowing or loving her. In contrast, Romeo is a romantic who believes in the power of true love and is willing to defy societal norms and risk everything for his love for Juliet.

Regarding traditions, Paris is portrayed as a dutiful and obedient young man who follows the expectations set forth by his family and society. He is willing to adhere to the customs and traditions of the time, even if it means marrying someone he does not truly love. On the other hand, Romeo is depicted as a rebellious and impulsive young man who is willing to defy tradition and risk everything for the woman he loves.

In terms of fidelity, Paris is portrayed as a loyal and steadfast character who is committed to Juliet, even though she does not return his affections. He remains devoted to her until the end, showing his unwavering loyalty. On the other hand, Romeo's fidelity is called into question when he falls in love with Juliet, despite being previously infatuated with another woman, Rosaline. However, once Romeo's affections shift to Juliet, he remains faithful and devoted to her until death.

In their actions, Paris is portrayed as a more passive character who adheres to the expectations set forth by his family and society. He is willing to abide by tradition and follow the path that has been laid out for him, despite his own feelings. On the other hand, Romeo is depicted as a more active character who is willing to defy tradition and risk everything for the woman he loves. He takes matters into his own hands and is not afraid to challenge the norms and expectations of his time.

In conclusion, Paris and Romeo are two characters in Romeo and Juliet who differ greatly in their attitudes toward love, traditions, fidelity, and actions. While Paris represents tradition, duty, and loyalty, Romeo embodies rebellion, passion, and devotion. Their contrasting character traits and actions ultimately lead to different fates for each of them in the tragic tale of Romeo and Juliet.