1. Information Showing Peer Review:
The article states, "NASA and NOAA collaborate to monitor the growth and recovery of the ozone hole every year." The systematic collaboration between NASA and NOAA suggests that their research findings and methodologies are scrutinized and validated by the scientific community before they are shared with the public. This collaboration implies adherence to research practices that typically involve peer review processes to ensure reliability and credibility.
2. Information Demonstrating Global Access:
The article discusses the creation of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, which reflects international cooperation among numerous nations. This protocol indicates that the research and findings from NASA, NOAA, and related studies are communicated with a global audience, which allows scientists from different countries and institutions to access and participate in research and discussions regarding the ozone layer.
3. Excerpts Demonstrating Logical Thinking and Reasoning:
Excerpt 1: "The Antarctic ozone hole was exceptionally weak this year... This is what we would expect to see given the weather conditions in the Antarctic stratosphere."
Explanation: This statement shows logical reasoning as it draws a direct connection between observed outcomes (the weak ozone hole) and specific explanations (weather conditions). The scientist uses empirical observations to justify the conclusions being made. -
Excerpt 2: "Scientists expect the Antarctic ozone hole to recover back to 1980 levels around 2070."
Explanation: This excerpt illustrates logical thinking by forecasting future events based on established data and trends (the decline of ozone-depleting substances due to regulatory action). The conclusion reflects a reasoned projection grounded in scientific evidence and analysis.
4. Excerpts Demonstrating Scientific Method and Rules of Evidence:
Excerpt 1: "NOAA ground- and balloon-based measurements also showed the least amount of ozone depletion above the continent during the peak of the ozone depletion cycle since 1988."
Explanation: This excerpt indicates adherence to the scientific method by providing measurable evidence (ground and balloon-based measurements) to support claims about ozone depletion. It quantifies findings and compares them to historical data, reflecting systematic observation and analysis. -
Excerpt 2: "The Dobson spectrophotometer measures the total amount of ozone in a column extending from Earth's surface to the edge of space in Dobson Units..."
Explanation: Here, the article describes a specific, reproducible method for measuring ozone levels, which is a core component of the scientific method. By detailing how ozone levels are measured (using the Dobson spectrophotometer and the definition of Dobson Units), it shows the rigorous application of empirical techniques to gather quantitative evidence about the ozone layer.