• Choose a topic (such as history or science) you feel is relevant to the age group you work with or expect to work with.
• Describe in 200 to 300 words how you can assess a child’s knowledge on your chosen topic using at least five of Gardner's intelligences
How I can assess a child's knowledge is by questioning and/or his/her performance. Well for linguistic I would use words or phrases that match history and get the student to reason the answers People, Places, Things for example. Spatial would use pictures describing that part of history. Music would be what artists, composers, conductors, etc were popular and maybe discuss how music was developing. For example, the 1950's saw the advent of "rock and roll" with such people as Bill Haley, Chuck Berry, and Little Richard, etc. Well like for history, if you picked the 1960's you could use pictures from Woodstock, Martin Luther King, Jr., and JFK etc.
how does it sound?
7 answers
What age group do you work with or plan to work with?
you know anything else i might be able to say
Having each student make an illustrated timeline
Visual projects -- like models and posters. (One of my students made a fabulous model of Hatshepsut's temple with sugar cubes)
Those in band could play one or pieces of music from a specific time in history. (My daughter played her flute for a history project in 9th grade.)
Of course, there are always tests with matching, multiple choice, and short essay questions
Don't forget written and oral reports.
Having students draw maps or label maps provides more visual assessment.