1.1.1 E
1.1.2 H
1.1.3 G
1.1.4 F
1.1.5 B
1.1.6 D
1.1.7 C
1.1.8 A
1.2.1 larger
1.2.2 smaller
1.2.3 23.5°
1.2.4 unequal
1.2.5 21st of June
1.2.6 cold Benguela current
1.2.7 warm Agulhas current
Write ONLY the letter (A–I) next to the question numbers 1.1.1 to 1.1.8. For
example 1.1.9 J.
1.1.1 Air mass A A seasonal wind that occurs over parts
of South America, Africa, and Asia.
1.1.2 Atmospheric
B Brings drought-like conditions to South
1.1.3 Desertification C The balance between Coriolis force and
pressure gradient force.
1.1.4 Monsoons D A hot, dry wind that blows down the
leeward side of a mountain.
1.1.5 El Nino E A large volume of air covering a large
area that has a similar temperature,
atmospheric pressure and humidity.
1.1.6 Berg wind F Brings heavy rainfall and flooding to
South Africa.
1.1.7 Geostrophic flow G The process of fertile land becoming
more arid as it becomes a desert.
1.1.8 La Nina H The weight of the atmosphere on the
surface of the Earth.
(8 x 1) (8)
Question 1.2
Choose the correct words/terms from the box below to complete the paragraph
below. Write only the correct word(s) next to the question numbers 1.2.1 – 1.2.7.
33.5°; smaller; 21st of June; unequal; cold Benguela current;
larger; 23.5°; equal; 21st of December; warm Agulhas current
Heat is concentrated at the equator due to a 1.2.1 _____________ surface area,
while polar regions are cooler because the sun has to heat up a 1.2.2 ___________
surface area. The tilt of the Earth’s axis is 1.2.3____________. The tilt in the Earth’s
axis gives rise to 1.2.4___________ lengths of day and night. The summer solstice
falls on the 1.2.5_______ in South Africa. The 1.2.6________ is found on the western
side of South Africa while the 1.2.7_________ is found on the eastern side of South
(7 x 1) (7)
1 answer
1.1.1 E
1.1.2 H
1.1.3 G
1.1.4 F
1.1.5 B
1.1.6 D
1.1.7 C
1.1.8 A
1.2.1 larger
1.2.2 smaller
1.2.3 23.5°
1.2.4 unequal
1.2.5 21st of June
1.2.6 cold Benguela current
1.2.7 warm Agulhas current