Choose a piece of media and make an evaluative claim based on criteria that you set forth for the

about A childs play chuckie movie
reader. You may use first person (I, my, me) in this essay.
Questions to Consider in Writing Your Essay:
 Think about what's at stake:
o Do some people see the text differently than you do?
o Who are they and what is their claim as opposed to yours?
o Why do they make a different evaluation?
 List the Criteria
o Which criteria make something good or bad?
o Which criteria are the most important?
o Which criteria are fairly obvious, and which will you have to argue for?
 Analyze your potential readers
o Who are your readers/audience?
o How familiar are they with the text you are evaluating?
o Which criteria are they most likely to accept with little explanation, and with
which criteria will they disagree?
Your paper should include the following actions:
 Clearly introduce the text (type, genre, publication year)
 Identify whether the text is good or bad in your thesis statement
 Explain the criteria you established
 Address the other side of the argument
 Show logical organization
 Avoid careless surface errors

1 answer

"A Child's Play" is a horror movie that was released in 1988. In my evaluation of this movie, I argue that it is a good piece of media based on the criteria of effective storytelling, iconic character creation, and lasting impact on the horror genre.

The first criteria I use to evaluate "A Child's Play" is effective storytelling. The movie follows the story of a possessed doll named Chucky who terrorizes a young boy and his mother. The plot is well-paced, creating suspense and tension throughout the film. The audience is kept on the edge of their seats as they watch the characters try to survive the wrath of Chucky.

Another criteria I consider is the iconic character creation of Chucky. The design of the doll, with its menacing face and evil grin, has become a staple of horror culture. Chucky is a memorable and frightening villain that has stood the test of time. The combination of his appearance and his sinister personality make him a truly unforgettable character in the horror genre.

Lastly, I evaluate "A Child's Play" based on its lasting impact on the horror genre. The movie has spawned multiple sequels, reboots, and even a TV series. Chucky has become a classic horror icon, inspiring countless imitations in other films and media. The influence of "A Child's Play" can still be seen in horror movies today, making it a significant contribution to the genre.

Some people may argue that "A Child's Play" is a bad movie due to its graphic violence and disturbing content. They may find the premise of a possessed doll to be unrealistic and silly. However, I believe that the outlandish nature of the plot adds to the entertainment value of the movie.

Overall, I believe that "A Child's Play" is a good piece of media that successfully meets the criteria of effective storytelling, iconic character creation, and lasting impact on the horror genre. It continues to captivate audiences and influence filmmakers, solidifying its place as a classic in the world of horror cinema.