Choose a human services client from a particular background· Describe the clients background, including age, gender, racial or ethnic status

· Identify the clients presenting issue
· Create a case scenario for this client
· Write a 1,000- to 1,250-word analysis of how you would interview this client
and include the following:

o Your personal communication style with this client
o How you would establish an effective working relationship with this individual
o Any self-disclosure or boundary issues that may occur
o Attending behaviors and helping techniques you would use and to which models they would relate
o Non-verbal communication you would look for and why it would be relevant
o Any special communication needs or cultural specific sensitivities which may be specific to a diverse or disenfranchised client
thisis what I have so far please give feedback
Danielle is a 21 year old white female; who is expecting her third child. Danielle is addicted to pain medication and has been in jail several times, due to drug chargers. Danielle’s mother has been the prime care giver for her two small children, since they were born. Danielle’s children are only three years old and 14 months old and are biracial. Danielle comes from a single parent family; where her mother worked many long hours to provide for the family. Danielle’s father has not played a role in her life, since she was ten years old.
Danielle is considering given the unborn child up for adoption and seeks information on her options. Danielle also wants help with her addiction to pain medication and help with becoming a more productive loving parent.
I will use the person centered approach to establish communication with Danielle. This style of communication will provide a comfortable non judgmental environment; which will include open communication, genuineness empathy and conditional positive regard toward Danielle. I will also use a non- direct approach. This approach will help Danielle to find her own solutions to her problems. I will encourage Danielle to talk about her experiences and express how she feels. To show empathy and to show that I have listened to everything she has said, I will repeat emotional significant statements back to her.

16 answers

Sounds like a good start generally, but you need to add lots of detail.

1000-1250 words = 3-4 pages double spaced (halve that for single spacing)

What details will you add?
That is were I am having problems at the moment. Any sugustion on where to go now?
These are the broad sentences that need to be explained with details:

Danielle’s children are only three years old and 14 months old and are biracial.

Danielle’s father has not played a role in her life, since she was ten years old.

Danielle is considering given the unborn child up for adoption and seeks information on her options.

Danielle also wants help with her addiction to pain medication and help with becoming a more productive loving parent.

These are rather vague and textbook-y:
I will use the person centered approach to establish communication with Danielle. This style of communication will provide a comfortable non judgmental environment; which will include open communication, genuineness empathy and conditional positive regard toward Danielle. <~~This just SCREAMS for details!! What do these things even mean: comfortable, open communication, genuineness, empathy, conditional positive regard. All those are buzzwords for the course you're taking. What do they mean in reality?

I will also use a non- direct approach. This approach will help Danielle to find her own solutions to her problems. I will encourage Danielle to talk about her experiences and express how she feels. To show empathy and to show that I have listened to everything she has said, I will repeat emotional significant statements back to her. <~~This, too, SCREAMS for details!! See comments above.
Make sure you are writing in paragraphs. Each paragraph should have from 6 - 8 sentences: a topic sentence, 4 or 5 support sentences (details explaining the topic sentence), a sentence to transition thoughts to the next paragraph.

The information at both those links will help greatly.
OK I am now confused. On the sentence that Danielle's father has not played a role in her life, since she was ten years old. Should I add information on the effect that not having a father has on her?
Yes. But don't forget the reason that Danielle came to you in the first place.

"Danielle is considering given the unborn child up for adoption and seeks information on her options. Danielle also wants help with her addiction to pain medication and help with becoming a more productive loving parent."

What are her options for the unborn child?
How can you help her addiction problem?
How can you help her become a better parent?
Yes. You cannot write about him, of course, because little if anything would be known. Since your focus is on Danielle, the absence of a full-time father in her life needs to be explained ... and how that affects her own parenting abilities.
Also -- why is Danielle on pain medication? If she has chronic pain, then a medical doctor may be able to help her.
I keep thinking of more questions.

Why was she in jail? What were her crimes? How can you help her resolve these conflicts?
Danielle does not have a chronic pain, she as given the pain mediation after the birth of the last child and has continued taking the medication
OK. You might suggest a support group of others who are addicted to medications -- or other drugs.
So ... she needs detox? Or can she manage to kick the pain pills with a doctor's help at home? Or what?
Is this enough information on the effect of growing up without a father?
Danielle’s father has not played a role in her life, since she was ten years old. Her parents divorced when she was ten years old. Danielle’s father remarried and stopped calling or visiting her. Danielle growing up without a father could explain some of the problems that she is facing as an adult. Study has shown that females, who grew up without a father, are 1.8 times more likely to become offenders and are at greater risk of drug abuse, mental illness and teen pregnancy (Life Coaches, 2010).
Be sure to include the effect on her present -- connect it with this idea: "Danielle also wants help with her addiction to pain medication and help with becoming a more productive loving parent."
This is my first three paragraphs, now I will begin to adderess how to help danielle with her problems. what do you think.
Danielle is a 21 year old white female; who is expecting her third child and has been living with her mother and step father, since she was released form jail. Danielle is addicted to pain medication; she has no chronic pain, she was given pain medication after the birth of her last child and has continued talking the medication. Danielle will have her friends get the medication for her, if she is unable to get it from her doctor, she will also go to a variety of doctors to get the medication. Danielle has been in jail several times, due to having medications that did not belong to her and failing to follower the rules of her probation.
Danielle’s mother has been the prime care giver for her two small children, since they were born. She has never taken care of the children on her own and lacks patients with them. Danielle refuses to get up with the children in the mornings and screams at them if they wake her up. Danielle comes from a single parent family; where her mother worked many long hours to provide for the family.
Danielle’s father has not played a role in her life, since she was ten years old. Her parents divorced when she was ten years old. Danielle’s father remarried and stopped calling or visiting her. Danielle growing up without a father could explain some of the problems that she is facing as an adult. Study has shown that females, who grew up without a father, are 1.8 times more likely to become offenders and are at greater risk of drug abuse, mental illness and teen pregnancy (Life Coaches, 2010). Danielle wants help with her addiction to pain medication and help with becoming a more productive loving parent. She is also considering given the unborn child up for adoptions.
Danielle is a 21 year old white female; who is expecting her third child and has been living with her mother and step father, since she was released form jail. Danielle is addicted to pain medication; she has no chronic pain, she was given pain medication after the birth of her last child and has continued talking the medication. Danielle will have her friends get the medication for her, if she is unable to get it from her doctor, she will also go to a variety of doctors to get the medication. Danielle has been in jail several times, due to having medications that did not belong to her and failing to follower the rules of her probation.
Good detail in there. Clarifies a lot! Work on having punctuation where you need it, not having it where it's not needed, and some run-ons. (See the link below to help you.) Change "due to" to "for"

Danielle’s mother has been the prime care giver for her two small children, since they were born. She has never taken care of the children on her own and lacks patients with them. Danielle refuses to get up with the children in the mornings and screams at them if they wake her up. Danielle comes from a single parent family; where her mother worked many long hours to provide for the family.
Clarify the uses of "she" and "her" so that it's clear whether you mean Danielle or her mother. Be careful of word choice: "patients" and "patience" mean very different things! The word "where" needs to refer to a place, not a time or a person. And again, keep checking for correct use of punctuation, etc.

Danielle’s father has not played a role in her life, since she was ten years old. Her parents divorced when she was ten years old. Danielle’s father remarried and stopped calling or visiting her. Danielle growing up without a father could explain some of the problems that she is facing as an adult. Study has shown that females, who grew up without a father, are 1.8 times more likely to become offenders and are at greater risk of drug abuse, mental illness and teen pregnancy (Life Coaches, 2010). Danielle wants help with her addiction to pain medication and help with becoming a more productive loving parent. She is also considering given the unborn child up for adoptions.
Look for the same types of errors as in the previous paragraphs. There aren't many, but you want to work on catching them yourself before turning your work in.

Nice job adding details in. Let me know how you are continuing.
Look up grammar topics here. For example, you should read through the section on semicolons, as well as the section on commas -- both when they should be used and when they should not. You can also find help on fixing run-ons, word choice, and other needs in writing.