Choose a human services client from a particular background· Describe the clients background, including age, gender, racial or ethnic status
· Identify the clients presenting issue
· Create a case scenario for this client
· Write a 1,000- to 1,250-word analysis of how you would interview this client
and include the following:
o Your personal communication style with this client
o How you would establish an effective working relationship with this individual
I am having problems with the second question. Any suggestions? I know I need to build trust and empathy right?
8 answers
Right. The key to building trust and empathy is to really listen to the client.
Ms. Sue,
I have to have 6 to 8 references for my paper; where might I find redources?
I have to have 6 to 8 references for my paper; where might I find redources?
Google the information you need.
How about: building trust
How about: building trust
Ms. Sue,
This is what I have so far. Can I get your feedback on it at this point?
Danielle is a 21 year old white female; who is expecting her third child. Danielle is addicted to pain medication and has been in jail several times, due to drug chargers. Danielle’s mother has been the prime care giver for her two small children, since they were born. Danielle’s children are only three years old and 14 months old and are biracial. Danielle comes from a single parent family; where her mother worked many long hours to provide for the family. Danielle’s father has not played a role in her life, since she was ten years old.
Danielle is considering given the unborn child up for adoption and seeks information on her options. Danielle also wants help with her addiction to pain medication and help with becoming a more productive loving parent.
This is what I have so far. Can I get your feedback on it at this point?
Danielle is a 21 year old white female; who is expecting her third child. Danielle is addicted to pain medication and has been in jail several times, due to drug chargers. Danielle’s mother has been the prime care giver for her two small children, since they were born. Danielle’s children are only three years old and 14 months old and are biracial. Danielle comes from a single parent family; where her mother worked many long hours to provide for the family. Danielle’s father has not played a role in her life, since she was ten years old.
Danielle is considering given the unborn child up for adoption and seeks information on her options. Danielle also wants help with her addiction to pain medication and help with becoming a more productive loving parent.
That's a good start. :-)
You'll need to proofread -- chargers, given
You'll need to proofread -- chargers, given
Please change some of the Danielle's to she!
Any self-disclosure or boundary issues that may occur.
Can you think of any self- discloser or boundary issues that may occur with this client?
Can you think of any self- discloser or boundary issues that may occur with this client?
This is what I have now, could you please give me your thoughts thank you.
Danielle is a 21 year old white female; who is expecting her third child. Danielle is addicted to pain medication and has been in jail several times, due to drug chargers. Danielle’s mother has been the prime care giver for her two small children, since they were born. Danielle’s children are only three years old and 14 months old and are biracial. Danielle comes from a single parent family; where her mother worked many long hours to provide for the family. Danielle’s father has not played a role in her life, since she was ten years old.
Danielle is considering given the unborn child up for adoption and seeks information on her options. Danielle also wants help with her addiction to pain medication and help with becoming a more productive loving parent.
I will use the person centered approach to establish communication with Danielle. This style of communication will provide a comfortable non judgmental environment; which will include open communication, genuineness empathy and conditional positive regard toward Danielle. I will also use a non- direct approach. This approach will help Danielle to find her own solutions to her problems. I will encourage Danielle to talk about her experiences and express how she feels. To show empathy and to show that I have listened to everything she has said, I will repeat emotional significant statements back to her.
Danielle is a 21 year old white female; who is expecting her third child. Danielle is addicted to pain medication and has been in jail several times, due to drug chargers. Danielle’s mother has been the prime care giver for her two small children, since they were born. Danielle’s children are only three years old and 14 months old and are biracial. Danielle comes from a single parent family; where her mother worked many long hours to provide for the family. Danielle’s father has not played a role in her life, since she was ten years old.
Danielle is considering given the unborn child up for adoption and seeks information on her options. Danielle also wants help with her addiction to pain medication and help with becoming a more productive loving parent.
I will use the person centered approach to establish communication with Danielle. This style of communication will provide a comfortable non judgmental environment; which will include open communication, genuineness empathy and conditional positive regard toward Danielle. I will also use a non- direct approach. This approach will help Danielle to find her own solutions to her problems. I will encourage Danielle to talk about her experiences and express how she feels. To show empathy and to show that I have listened to everything she has said, I will repeat emotional significant statements back to her.