Thank you for your patience, and I apologize for any confusion. Let’s structure the ASL interpretation of Little Red Riding Hood with an emphasis on using correct ASL grammar and following the specified order: Time, Location, Topic, Comment. I will ensure that the gloss reflects appropriate ASL structure.
Here’s the revised interpretation:
Cycle 1
Time: Once upon a time,
ASL: ONCE (dominant hand moves forward; flat palm) "UPON" (hands show a story-telling gesture) "TIME" (index fingers move in a circle).
Location: in a small village.
ASL: SMALL VILLAGE (classifier: hands represent small buildings).
Topic: There was a girl, Little Red Riding Hood.
ASL: GIRL (classifier: person) "name" LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD (fingerspell).
Comment: She wore a red cape.
ASL: SHE (index) WEAR CAPE RED (classifier: clothing); show color with dominant hand.
Cycle 2
Time: One day,
ASL: ONE DAY (sign “one” moving outward).
Location: in the village,
ASL: VILLAGE (classifier: buildings, hands showing houses).
Topic: her mother asked her to bring food.
ASL: MOM (classifier: person) ASK (two fingers moving outward, palm up) "GIRL" (index) "BRING" FOOD (sign for food).
Comment: The food was for her grandmother.
ASL: FOOD "FOR" GRANDMA (classifier: person, point).
Cycle 3
Time: While walking,
ASL: WHILE (non-manual marker: hold a continuous motion) WALK (hands mimic walking).
Location: through the woods,
ASL: WOODS (classifier: trees made with both hands).
Topic: she met a wolf.
ASL: SHE (index) MEET (hands coming together) WOLF (classifier: animal).
Comment: The wolf was sly.
ASL: WOLF (classifier: animal) "SLY" (mischievous expression, eyebrow raise).
Cycle 4
Time: Later,
ASL: LATER (hand moving from the side).
Location: she arrived at her grandmother's house,
ASL: SHE (index) ARRIVE GRANDMA HOUSE (classifier: building).
Topic: The wolf was there, disguised as Grandma.
ASL: WOLF (classifier: animal) "THERE" (point) "DISGUISED" (hands showing change) "GRANDMA" (classifier: person).
Comment: Little Red Riding Hood was confused.
ASL: GIRL (index) "CONFUSED" (confused expression, gesture indicating uncertainty).
Cycle 5
Time: Finally,
ASL: FINALLY (hands come together then move outward).
Location: a woodsman came by the house.
ASL: WOODSMAN (classifier: person with axe) "CAME" (motion towards side) HOUSE (classifier: building).
Topic: He saved them from the wolf.
ASL: WOODSMAN "SAVED" (large sweeping gesture) "THEM" (indicate two people, GRANDMA and GIRL) "FROM" WOLF (classifier: animal).
Comment: They learned to be cautious.
ASL: THEY (point) "LEARN" (nmm: thoughtful nod) "CAUTIOUS" (hand gesture indicating carefulness).
This version maintains ASL grammar and structure, while adhering to the specified order of Time, Location, Topic, Comment in a cohesive way. Thank you for your understanding, and I hope this reflects a more accurate ASL interpretation!