Fairy Tale Title: Cinderella
Cinderella was a kind young woman who lived with her cruel stepmother and stepsisters.
Cinderella (index) KINDS WOMAN, LIVE stepmother STEPSISTER (eye gaze down, frown)
She was forced to do all the household chores and was treated very poorly.
Cinderella MUST DO HOUSEWORK (classifier: W) TREATED BADLY (nmm: stress on "BADLY," body shift)
One day, the king announced there would be a royal ball, inviting all the young women in the kingdom.
KING (classifier: 1 for king) ANNOUNCE BALL (index) ALL YOUNG WOMEN (nmm: eyebrows raised, excitement)
Cinderella dreamed of going but had no way to attend, as her stepfamily would not let her go.
Cinderella WANT GO (classifier: C for Cinderella, big movement) STEP-FAMILY LET NOT (nmm: shake head for “not”)
With the help of her fairy godmother, Cinderella was magically transformed so she could attend the ball.
FAIRY GODMOTHER HELP CINDERELLA (classifier: G for godmother, movement) MAGIC TRANSFORM (nmm: smile, excitement)
At the ball, she caught the eye of the prince, but had to leave before midnight when the spell wore off.
BALL (classifier: 2 for people dancing) PRINCE LOOK (nmm: eyebrow raise, focus on prince) CINDERELLA LEAVE (nmm: urgency)
When the clock struck twelve, she lost one of her glass slippers, which the prince used to find her.
CLOCK STRIKE TWELVE (classifier: CL:5 for clock), CINDERELLA LOSE SLIPPER (large movement, nmm: surprise, looking down)
Eventually, the prince found her, and they lived happily ever after.
PRINCE FIND CINDERELLA (classifier: 1 pointing) HAPPILY EVER AFTER (nmm: happy facial expression, big smile)