Here are three critiques of the Catholic Church written by Martin Luther:
1. Sale of indulgences by the church: Luther strongly criticized the practice of selling indulgences, which were certificates granted by the church that supposedly reduced the amount of punishment one would receive for their sins. Luther believed that this practice reinforced a transactional understanding of salvation, undermining the true spiritual message of Christianity and exploiting people's fear and guilt for financial gain.
2. Only priests can perform baptism: Luther challenged the Catholic Church's restriction of the sacrament of baptism to only be performed by priests. He argued for the "priesthood of all believers," asserting that all Christians possessed the ability and authority to baptize. Luther believed that this restriction contributed to the hierarchy and power structure within the church and limited the active participation of ordinary Christians.
3. Only priests can perform communion: Luther also questioned the Catholic Church's belief that only priests could administer the sacrament of communion. He advocated for the concept of "consubstantiation," which emphasized that Christ's presence was fully present in the bread and wine during the sacrament, regardless of who administered it. Luther believed that this restricted understanding of the Eucharist further emphasized the exclusive role of priests and detracted from the shared communal experience of all believers.
Choose 3 critcms of the Catholic Church written by Martin Luther. Weath collected by church officials,olny priest can perform baptism,olny priest can perform communion, dale of indulgences by the church,olny priest perform the sacrament of marriage
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