Topic 1: fs-SNOW
Comment - SNOW (nmm: mmm)
Modification 1: fs-SNOWFLAKE
Comment - SNOW (Modified sign to show an individual snowflake falling, nmm: classifier 'B' with gentle downward movement) -
Modification 2: fs-SNOWSTORM
Comment - SNOW (Modified sign with rapid, larger movement to indicate heavy snowfall, nmm: cha with widened eyes)
Topic 2: fs-WIND
Comment - WIND (nmm: mmm)
Modification 1: fs-GUSTY WIND
Comment - WIND (Modified sign to show sudden strong gusts, nmm: fast hand movement with strong facial expression) -
Modification 2: fs-BREEZE
Comment - WIND (Modified sign with soft, gentle hand movement to indicate a light breeze, nmm: relaxed facial expression and soft blowing motion)
Topic 3: fs-Fog
Comment - FOG (nmm: mmm)
Modification 1: fs-MIST
Comment - FOG (Modified sign to show very light mist, nmm: smaller hand movement and gentle facial expression) -
Modification 2: fs-DENSE FOG
Comment - FOG (Modified sign with more intense hand movement to indicate thick fog, nmm: furrowed brow and closed eyes as if struggling to see)
This structure showcases the base concept with modifications and the corresponding non-manual markers for expressive signing.