
1/ ashraf(willbe, is) 20 next week.
Answer: will be

2/ i (will go, am going) to paris tomorrow as every thing is ready.
Answer: will go

3/ he (is buying, is going to buy) this car next month as he planned.
Answer: is going to buy

4/ i think he ( willcome, is coming with us tonight.
Answer:will come

5/ the sky is cioudy , it (is raining, is going to rain) tomorrow.
Answer: is going to rain

6/ the doorbell is ringing , i(will, 'm going to) open it.
Answer: will

4 answers

I am wondering what the question is.
Choose the right answer?
Sentences 2, 3, and 4 can be either verb form. I agree with your other two choices.
#1 is correct.

All the others could be either verb choice. What are your directions?