1. Lack of knowledge or awareness: Many people may not be aware that they have chlamydia or may not know that it can be easily cured with antibiotics. This can lead to the infection going untreated and spreading to others.
2. Stigma and embarrassment: Due to the association of chlamydia with sexual activity, some individuals may feel embarrassed or ashamed to seek testing and treatment. This can lead to the infection going untreated and continuing to spread.
3. Inaccurate or inconsistent testing: Some individuals may receive inaccurate test results or may not be consistently tested for chlamydia, leading to the infection going undetected and untreated. Additionally, some healthcare providers may not routinely test for chlamydia in certain populations, resulting in missed cases.
Chlamydia can be readily cured with antibiotics. Why then are there so many new cases
of chlamydia reported each year? Give three reasons.
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