China’s GDP is over $16 trillion. How is it possible that China is a less developed country?

China has no space program, which is how economic development is measured
China’s government spends almost all of its GDP on repairs to the Great Wall of China
Most Chinese people lived in cities and were affluent a century ago, so China’s economy hasn’t needed development
China has a huge population and therefore still a low per capital GDP

1 answer

China is considered a less developed country despite its high GDP for a few reasons. One of the key factors is its huge population, which means that its GDP per capita is relatively low compared to other developed countries. Additionally, China still faces issues such as widespread poverty, income inequality, and lack of access to basic services in many rural areas. The focus on infrastructure projects, such as repairing the Great Wall of China, may also divert resources away from other aspects of economic development. Additionally, the lack of a sophisticated space program or other advanced technological industries can also contribute to China being classified as a less developed country.