Check the Main forum to see which discussion cluster your teacher has assigned you to work with. In this cluster, you and your peers must discuss the effect of at least three of the above misconceptions on education. The one that she assigned me is Boys are more interested in auto shop and wood shop than girls are. The other misconceptions are: 1. Boys are more suited for and more interested in math and science than girls are. 2. Boys who participate in the arts are more likely to be . 3. Girls are more interested in domestic arts than boys are. 4. Boys are more competitive in sports and academcis than girls are. I am confused on what I have to do with this discussion. Along with my discussion I am picking #1, 3, and 5. Can someone help me with this.

2 answers

I would center my discussion around the concept of STEREOTYPING and GENDER ROLES. These 4 misconceptions sound as if they are trying to describe boys and girls in school during the 1950s and before, but they're still stereotypes. (I don't see #5.)
It is because number five is my discussion Boys are more interested in auto shop and wood shop than girls are.