1) Which activity would be considered resource extraction?
eating beef
eating deer
hunting deer < MY ANSWER
raising cattle
2) How does clear-cutting a forest directly affect climate?
Fewer trees lead to less stable soil in once-forested areas.
Fewer trees lead to species extinction and reduced biodiversity.
Fewer trees lead to a decrease in Earth’s carbon dioxide absorption. < MY ANSWER
Fewer trees lead to less atmospheric water over once-forested areas.
3) Compounds of which elements combine with water to produce acid rain?
carbon, nitrogen, sulfur < MY ANSWER
nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur
nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen
4) Which job do scrubber stacks do?
removing acid-causing oxides from factory smoke < MY ANSWER
preventing soil from weakening after clear-cutting
pulling water into the atmosphere
filtering pollutants out of drinking water
5) Biodiversity, the diversity of life, is important for human and environmental health. Which threat represents the opposite of biodiversity?
pollution of drinking water
acid rain
monocultures < MY ANSWER (I'm not sure about this one though)
clear-cut logging
11 answers
Answer - Hunting deer
2) How does clear-cutting a forest directly affect climate?
Answer - Fewer trees lead to a decrease in Earth’s carbon dioxide absorption.
3) Compounds of which elements combine with water to produce acid rain?
Answer - carbon, nitrogen, sulfur
4) Which job do scrubber stacks do?
Answer - removing acid-causing oxides from factory smoke
5) Biodiversity, the diversity of life, is important for human and environmental health. Which threat represents the opposite of biodiversity?
Answer - monocultures
The answers are for the Honors Chemistry! Make sure to read and make sure they match they can be moved around.
Which effect of the chemical industry is a positive one?
Ans: advancements in medicine
my quizlet is captncrun & i often create study sets for this class :)
1)hunting deer
2)Fewer trees lead to a decrease in Earth’s carbon dioxide absorption.
3)advancements in medicine
4)carbon, nitrogen, sulfur
5)removing acid-causing oxides from factory smoke
Ya boy Ty bone got ya